For those who don't know what this program is about, in short, they collect gently used suits for disadvantaged women to wear to interviews for employment. Whatever you would wear to an interview is what they are looking for. "The clothing that Dress for Success provides to our clients symbolizes our faith in every woman's ability to succeed." Their belief is "Dress for Success solves the catch-22 that confronts disadvantaged women trying to enter the workforce: without a job, how can you afford a suit? But without a suit, how can you get a job?"
Once a client in the program obtains employment, she can return to Dress for Success to receive enough clothing to mix and match for a week's worth of outfits. Since now is the time most retail stores are hiring seasonal workers, a lot of women will be out searching for employment. Looking good at the interview may help them land a permanent and full time job!
Please support this program for Christmas...give a gift that keeps on giving!
This is a great idea. I definitely want to support this cause! Thanks Emerald Obsessive
ReplyDeleteThank you Anonymous for wanting to support!