Monday, April 16, 2012


It's green week. What are you doing to help save our planet? Me, I've started turning off the water when I brush my teeth. I'm also using my "real" dishes more than paper plates (oh, how I miss the convenience, but what the hey...I've gotta wash the dishes anyway!) My sister-in-law has taken to washing her dishes by hand....I haven't gotten to that point yet but I'm working toward it.

For my body, I'm eating a lot more healthy... who knew how much I loved green peppers and onions? How quick it is to fix a meal with sauteed peppers and onions added to chicken I cook on top of the stove and black beans. I've even started eating the vegetables and beans without the chicken. I'm drinking so much more water. I've seen too many people pass away too soon to not be concerned about changing my bad habits.

What are you going to do to save Mother Earth? Have a great green week!

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